Cardamom Spice Cookies

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45 minutes 2 dozen cookies Print RecipeEmail Recipe


4tablespoonunsalted butter (softened)
1⁄4cupdark brown sugar (packed)
1 egg
6tablespoonall-purpose flour
1⁄2teaspoonbaking powder
1⁄4teaspoonground cardamom
1⁄4teaspoonground cinnamon
1⁄8teaspoonground cloves


Heat oven to 375°F.

Cream butter and sugar in medium mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Beat in egg until thoroughly blended.

Combine dry ingredients; stir into butter mixture until thoroughly blended.

Drop batter by teaspoonfuls onto buttered baking sheet, about 2 inches apart. Bake until edges begin to Brown, about 9 minutes. Transfer cookies with spatula to wire rack to cool.

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