Cod, Potatoes, and Sun-Dried Tomatoes (Merluzzo con Patate e Pomodori Secchi)

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20 minutes 4 Servings Print RecipeEmail Recipe


1poundnew potatoes (scrubbed and halved)
5tablespoonextra-virgin olive oil
1⁄2teaspoonoregano (minced)
5largesun-dried tomatoes (packed in olive oil - drained and chopped)
3cupvegetable broth (heated)
1poundcod filets (boneless and skinless)
1⁄2cupall-purpose flour
1⁄4cupdry white wine


In a 12" skillet, saute the potatoes with 3 tablespoons of the olive oil for 5 minutes over medium heat. Add half of the oregano, the sun-dried tomatoes, and the broth. Cook for 10 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender and the liquid has reduced.

Meanwhile, dredge the cod in the flour, coating both sides well and shaking off the excess. Heat the remaining olive oil in a 12" skillet and cook the cod until golden on both sides, turning once, about 2 minutes per side over medium heat. Season with salt and the remaining oregano, deglaze with the wine, and cook for 5 minutes. Serve the cod hot, with the potatoes and sun-dried tomatoes.

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