
Zitronen Quark

A delicious recipe for Zitronen Quark.

German Apple Cake

A classic recipe for German Apple Cake.

Apple Compote (Apfelkompott)

A simple and delicious recipe for Apple Compote (Apfelkompott).

Sugar Syrup

An easy to prepare recipe for Sugar Syrup; perfect for fruit compote recipes and more.

Gooseberry Tart (Stachelbeerkuchen)

A classic recipe for Gooseberry Tart (Stachelbeerkuchen).

Rich Tart Pastry I

A classic recipe for Rich Tart Pastry; this recipe is commonly used in German recipes.

Basic German Pancakes (Deutsche Pfannkuchen)

A class recipe for Basic German Pancakes (Deutsche Pfannkuchen); much more like a crepe than an American pancake.

Savory Dumplings (Semmelknodel)

Excellent dumplings to have with Tellerfleisch, see notes.

Boiled Beef, Munich Style (Tellerfleisch)

Tellerfleisch is a delicious Boiled/Stewed Beef recipe from Munich, Germany

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